Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Gabe's Pool Party

I had a blast at Gabe Smith's memorial day bash. Yon and Kat and Brittany came into town from Greenville and arrive late on Saturday night. We went out and had a great time dancing at 12th and Porter. I met the owner down there and I'm supposed to send him my reel. Kat and Brittany had to much to drink and I drove them home. I don't drink, but I danced for hours. The next morning Yon and I woke up and went to church then we came home and got Kat and Brittany. We traveled to Gabe's house and took the van up to his place. I met Alli there, she works with Mandy and Mandy used to change her diapers. I also met Alli's awesome friend Mel and another girl named Kelly. I rode with her down to her car and waited while her ride came. We laughed with her friends about a ton of stuff. I also danced a ton at the party and I did this slide and went to far and took Alli out. She went flying into the air and landed on top of me. Graceful Jay, real graceful. Today, I went to an audition for a new Dreamworks film. I'd love to get the part, we'll see. I went with Mandy after work to another audition in Smyrna and then went to Centennial park. We had free cupcakes and then went to Borders to finish off the evening. Good times had by all.