Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Taking a Job

It looks like I will be taking a job working a Comprehensive Media Inc. I'll be doing some shooting and editing for Gideon and other great companies. It has been a hard year financially and I need something that will free me up to write and produce my films and other projects.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Gabe's Pool Party

I had a blast at Gabe Smith's memorial day bash. Yon and Kat and Brittany came into town from Greenville and arrive late on Saturday night. We went out and had a great time dancing at 12th and Porter. I met the owner down there and I'm supposed to send him my reel. Kat and Brittany had to much to drink and I drove them home. I don't drink, but I danced for hours. The next morning Yon and I woke up and went to church then we came home and got Kat and Brittany. We traveled to Gabe's house and took the van up to his place. I met Alli there, she works with Mandy and Mandy used to change her diapers. I also met Alli's awesome friend Mel and another girl named Kelly. I rode with her down to her car and waited while her ride came. We laughed with her friends about a ton of stuff. I also danced a ton at the party and I did this slide and went to far and took Alli out. She went flying into the air and landed on top of me. Graceful Jay, real graceful. Today, I went to an audition for a new Dreamworks film. I'd love to get the part, we'll see. I went with Mandy after work to another audition in Smyrna and then went to Centennial park. We had free cupcakes and then went to Borders to finish off the evening. Good times had by all.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Aborigine and the Yellow River

A lot of people tell me that they don't remember their dreams. That's so very sad to me because I love my dreams. They are so quirky and silly and sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night laughing so hard my side hurts, like last night, for example. In my dream I was on an island high above the ocean floor with some of my friends and we were discovered by a half-naked aborigine. He insisted that he follow us to our boat and there he would unceremoniously destroy us in customary tribal native fashion. I told the others to go on ahead and the abo and I would follow. We we had walked a little ways I stopped and looked at the man, who was always adjusting his loin cloth, and told him that his plan to kill us was flawed and then demanded that we fight right where we were. The man began screaming and stomping, shifting his weight from foot to foot in a ridiculous fashion that left the parts of him that needed to be hidden exposed to weather and sunlight. When I refused to yield the excitable little man was so furious that he peed all over himself, his loin cloth, his spear, and several unsuspecting flowers. I started laughing in the dream, a fact which made him, if possible more irate, but he was so embarrassed he ran off, an uncontrollable geyser frustrating his every step. I woke up laughing, praying the dream has not be a message from the Lord.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I'm heading on my way to meet with Luci Lamp to discuss the music video we're shooting for one of her songs. I'll let us know how it goes.
Okay, so this is really funny and a tad embarassing. I was sleeping last night and woke up because I smelled a strong whiff of Chinese food. This bothered me beacause I knew I hadn't eaten Chinese food at all and I thought maybe the stove is on and my parents had eaten something last night. No, I remeber cooking for us last night. Then I thought, what if there is someone in my house who ate Chinese food and is now somewhere in my house (remember I just woke up and it was about four AM). So I prayed immediatley that God would keep me safe and as soon as I did Moved my blankets. I got an overpowering smell of Chinese food and realized I had woken myself up with my own... Yeah embarassing.

Friday, May 7, 2010

People Helping People

I'm getting ready to go out with Mandy and video people in Nashville helping each other during this great time if crisis. I'm going to try and shoot some really great stuff. We'll see.... So I went out to video people helping people and the first place that we went was down the street from my house. By we I mean my friend Mandy. When we arrived there were already a number of people working down West Hamilton rd, but the street was blocked by police cars and they were diverting traffic and people away from the road. The next street over had a house in the middle of the road. Yes, you read that correctly. A house, filling the entire road. Apparently the house had raised off its foundation and had been swept across the street. The only thing that kept it from crashing into the house directly across the street was a tree and a telephone poll. It was insane that a brick house could just be picked up and dragged across the lawn.

There were several men cleaning an air-conditioning unit and a couple of men leaning against a pickup truck. They looked exhausted. I asked them if I could shoot some of the work that they are doing to help each other clean up. They told me that there had already been about 20 cameras there already and they were tired. I was allowed to film some of the guys fixing the AC unit and replacing the duct work, but I felt like I was imposing and really unwelcome.  I wasn't trying to do that. I just wanted to make a video that might them get some help and show the spirit of out awesome city, but I didn't want to make people uncomfortable. I asked Mandy if we could go downtown. I figured there would be a lot of people there working together. We parked in a parking garage on 3rd and commerce (something that would turn out to be a mistake) and walked down the street. Before we could get onto second Ave in downtown Nashville we were stopped by some policemen that would not let us go down to shoot the relief effort. All of the streets were blocked and we were hungry. We at a Sabarro's. I spent the last of my money there. My car bounced when I tried to by Mandy's lunch.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Tried to Get it Done

I was working today on getting a business plan together and just didn't have any success. It's actually really a challenge when you are a creative type person. Perhaps I need to come up with a creative type person solution.... hmmmm. We'll see.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Today of Days

Great day today. Woke up feeling guilty. No particular reason. Just one of those days. I had to fight it off and just surrender to the fact that if it makes me feel like crap it's not from God. It's from the enemy. After dealing with that I got downstairs and petted my cat. Wow, you might say, you petted your cat. "Woop dee caca." But there is something you have to realize. My cat is broken. It's meow is stuck on annoying and it won't shut off unless it's rubbed. So I petted my cat and headed over to Travis TV. I'm working with them on an edit for David Nail and the St. Louis Cardinals. It's a pretty cool little video that you'll be able to check out on Tony Larusa's Foundation site in a couple of weeks. You gotta gotta see it. It'll help a good cause to, that is if you like animals. Which I happen to very much. One broken cat, one doorstop hamster (It's broken too. It just lays there :( and one escape artist parakeet.