Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Aborigine and the Yellow River

A lot of people tell me that they don't remember their dreams. That's so very sad to me because I love my dreams. They are so quirky and silly and sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night laughing so hard my side hurts, like last night, for example. In my dream I was on an island high above the ocean floor with some of my friends and we were discovered by a half-naked aborigine. He insisted that he follow us to our boat and there he would unceremoniously destroy us in customary tribal native fashion. I told the others to go on ahead and the abo and I would follow. We we had walked a little ways I stopped and looked at the man, who was always adjusting his loin cloth, and told him that his plan to kill us was flawed and then demanded that we fight right where we were. The man began screaming and stomping, shifting his weight from foot to foot in a ridiculous fashion that left the parts of him that needed to be hidden exposed to weather and sunlight. When I refused to yield the excitable little man was so furious that he peed all over himself, his loin cloth, his spear, and several unsuspecting flowers. I started laughing in the dream, a fact which made him, if possible more irate, but he was so embarrassed he ran off, an uncontrollable geyser frustrating his every step. I woke up laughing, praying the dream has not be a message from the Lord.

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